Hurray! Billie-Sue is bracelet-free! The chain that was securely attached to her ankle upon arrival at the Sanctuary has been removed.
What a transition Billie-Sue has experienced since her arrival with the Divas. Her transformation has been steady and inspiring.
She arrived with Frieda, labeled a killer, described as dangerous and unmanageable. Prior to her release to us, Billie-Sue was held in solitary confinement in a steel cage at the Hawthorn Corporation for ten years. Upon arrival, she was fearful, defensive and heavily guarded.

In the beginning, Billie-Sue became suspicious whenever we focused on the leg chain. That is when we began to refer to it as an bracelet, to consciously change the perception and meaning of the chain. Shortly after she arrived, caregivers began using T-Touch in protected contact to desensitize her to the human touch. Time passed and she began to relax. With time and patience Billie-Sue allowed caregivers to hand feed her through a protective barrier and take trunk swabs for TB testing, but still she remained guarded.

When Liz was diagnosed with TB, she and Frieda and Billie-Sue — her two best friends — made the physical move to the quarantine compound, a small barn and yard adjacent to the main barn. In this secluded location, away from the constant activity of Debbie, Ronnie, Lottie and Minnie, Billie-Sue found comfort and security and blossomed. She wandered the small yard without concern of turning a corner to be confronted by Minnie.
This increased security led to this fantastic development of Billie-Sue shedding her bracelet. What a fabulous feeling this must be for her, forever free of chains. Although her leg chain was never used at the Sanctuary, the fact that she has now shed it is wonderful. Bless you Billie-Sue and all the caregivers who worked diligently to free her from that chain. Thank you.