Elephant Aid International will provide Foot Care Programs in Thailand. This program which is offered free of charge, provides mahouts with skills to better care for their elephants. Learn from EAI founder and CEO Carol Buckley to create positive change for captive-held elephants in Thailand.
Foot health is vital to an elephant’s overall health and wellbeing. It is crucial that captive-held elephants receive regular foot care to prevent and treat problems if and when they occur. Good foot care is an investment in the health of your elephant and is something you can build into your existing health care routine.
The goals of EAI’s Elephant Foot Care Program are to give mahouts a working knowledge of foot care and to enable you to create your own in-house foot care program.
The program begins in a classroom setting, with PowerPoint presentations, videos and field manuals. Mahouts will become familiar with a positive reinforcement approach to elephant training and sound elephant husbandry.
Next, mahouts will observe and then practice their training, evaluating and trimming skills, under the direction of a master practitioner.

The program consists of four units:
- foot trimming apparatus
- positive reinforcement target training
- foot health evaluation
- foot trimming
EAI supporters often ask what they can do to help. You can make an important contribution by donating to our Foot Care Program which will help cover program costs including; educational materials for the mahouts; international and domestic airfare; in-country travel; housing and food; and foot trimming tools.
Elephant Foot Care Program
Selecting an Apparatus
![]() steel stool
![]() wooden stool
![]() timber foot rest
Since few Thai elephants are trained to lie down, it will be necessary to erect an apparatus on which the elephant can rest his/her foot. There are several different designs, including a sturdy steel or wooden drum, wooden table or stool, and a simple footrest constructed of three timbers. All of these options work well, are inexpensive and can be built in a few hours.
FOOT REST Construction Instructions
Locate the foot rest In a shaded area with good light, free of obstacles like trees, bushes, structures and human and vehicle traffic. Foot rest specs:
![]() horizontal railing
![]() steel corral
![]() metal trimming wall
There are also more advanced trimming apparatuses, including a horizontal railing constructed of multiple timbers or metal pipe and a corral constructed of wood or steel pipe. We recommend a metal pipe training wall with foot trimming hole for adult males and potentially aggressive elephants.
Positive Reinforcement Target Training (PRTT)
We use the Positive Reinforcement Target Training method to condition the elephant to present his/her feet for trimming. We use this proven training method to guide elephants and elicit their cooperation. Elephants are smart and receptive when they are given the choice to participate. Using positive reinforcement training results in elephants choosing to participate, which reduces stress.
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Some elephants are fearful of having their feet touched. Mahouts can desensitize the elephant by slowly and gently touching/rubbing/manipulating his/her legs and feet, while at the same time providing positive reinforcement in the form of treats. This non-dominant approach helps the elephant associate having his/her feet touched with positive rewards.
Evaluating Foot Health
![]() skeletal study
![]() identify problems
![]() foot evaluation
In this unit mahouts learn the basics of elephant foot anatomy and the different foot conditions, diseases and problems experienced by captive-held elephants. Each elephant will be assessed individually, providing the mahout with an in-depth evaluation of his elephant’s feet, along with an individualized approach to care.
Foot Trimming
![]() nail care
![]() tool use
![]() trimming kit
Following the instructional curriculum, a master practitioner will demonstrate foot trimming and tutor each mahout individually. A mahout’s knowledge of and connection with his elephant will dictate how well he progresses. The more the mahout and elephant like and trust each other, the easier the process will be for both. From experience we know that by participating in the program, the mahout will come to understand his elephant better, which will improve their relationship naturally.
Foot trimming kits are available upon request. Reserve a kit to ensure your mahouts have the tools they need to maintain foot health.
The EAI team bring their personal trimming tools for mahout instruction. For $185 you can equip your mahouts with their own foot trimming kits. The kit includes everything they need to successfully care for their elephants’ feet.
Foot Trimming Kit
EAI supporters often ask what they can do to help. You can make an important contribution by donating foot trimming kits. For $185, you will equip mahouts in our foot care program with everything they need to successfully care for their elephants' feet.
A first-time visit requires a 3-day commitment. The length of our stay can vary depending on the number of elephants and mahouts in residence, and whether your facility already has a foot trimming apparatus.
At this time EAI offers the program free of charge. You will be required to provide room and board, translator, and transport.
If you are interested and wish to learn more about this program, please CLICK HERE.