Please help us give Bo, Tarra and Mundi the very best nutrition with a donation.
Elephants eat hundreds of pounds of fruits, veggies, grain, branches, grasses, and healthy daily supplements. You can provide an apple, an ear of corn, or an entire bale of hay. Every little bit adds up, and Bo Tarra, and Mundi will be grateful for the healthy food! There are various options to help keep our resident elephants well-fed.
Or Donate A Different Amount
Every donation is greatly appreciated and helps us take care of the magnificent elephant residents under our care.
What Your Donation Can Help Buy
Eating well is good for everyone! The natural habitat at Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA) provides unlimited amounts of live vegetation including a wide variety of grasses, bamboo, tree branches and vines, all edible, all organic, all naturally nutritious.