Meet Bo!
About Bo
Bo is a captive-born male Asian elephant, the offspring of Vance and Sue, members of a breeding herd of elephants owned by Roman Schmidt at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida. He was born January 22, 1987.
At one year old Bo was purchased by Cheryl Shawver of Animal Actors of Hollywood. By five Bo had become difficult to manage and was sold to George Carden. Understanding that the future for an unneutered male elephant in captivity is bleak, George decided to have Bo castrated.
Surgical castration is an extremely invasive procedure for male elephants that requires weeks of follow up care. George Carden tended to Bo's healing incisions daily, resulting in Bo's full recovery and the forging of a very strong bond between the two.
As part of the George Carden Circus, Bo lived with a group of female elephants, which was familiar and reassuring to him. Being the baby, the middle-aged females mothered Bo while teaching him valuable social skills. For 29 years, all the elephants traveled and performed together.
At the time of his retirement in September 2021, Bo was a highly valued circus performer in the prime of his life at the age of 34. With a possible life expectancy of 70 years, Bo could continue to perform for decades. But in a world in which retirement is a novel concept, George Carden believed Bo deserved a good retirement. "Bo is family to me and deserves to retire to a beautiful place designed to give him a good life," says George. "I want him to have the best, which is why I want him to live at the Refuge."
Bo took to retirement at ERNA with gusto - grazing all day and much of the night resulting in a healthy amount of physical activity and consumption of nutritious live vegetation. After only two weeks in his 7-acre yard, Bo was released into the 100-acre habitat and quickly became comfortable exploring the expansive pastures and wooded areas.
Today, Bo is living with Mundi and Tarra at Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA). Our facility is intentionally designed to rehabilitate captive-held elephants. Providing a healthy environment for elephants who have been deprived of a natural life is paramount. Understanding what Bo needs to thrive is key. His improved health, use of the expansive 850-acre habitat, and compassionate relationships with Tarra and Mundi are a testament that Bo’s needs are being met.
Sponsor Bo
If Bo holds a special place in your heart, consider becoming his sponsor. You can choose an annual sponsorship of $75 or sponsor Bo every month of the year with a recurring donation of your choice (just click monthly and select the amount).
You'll receive a sponsorship certificate of Bo delivered via eco-friendly email. With your support, we can continue to give Bo his best life ever.
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Bo is 10'6" tall, weighs 12,000 pounds, and the circumference of his front foot is 5'4".
- Species: Asian elephant
- Gender: Male
- Birth: January 22, 1987
- Birth Place: Tampa, Florida, USA
- ERNA Arrival Date: September 23, 2021
- Interesting Fact: Bo arrived with custom-fitted stainless steel caps on the ends of his tusks that were designed to protect them from breakage but are non-essential in a natural habitat environment. Once they fall off, they will not be replaced.
- Personality Characteristics: Calm and gentle
- Friends: Tarra, Mundi, Mala and Samie
EAI E-Newsletter: Bo’s Third-Year Retirement Anniversary
EAI E-Newsletter: Happy 37th Birthday Bo!
EAI E-Newsletter: Bo’s Two-Year Retirement Anniversary
EAI E-Newsletter: Happy 36th Birthday Bo!
EAI E-Newsletter: Bo’s One-Year Retirement Anniversary
EAI E-Newsletter: Happy 35th Birthday Bo!
EleDiaries: Cooperation, A Choice
EleDiaries: Bo's Busy Browsing
EleDiaries: A Flash in the Dark
EAI e-Newsletter: Bo's Journey to Elephant Refuge North America
News Coverage
WCTV: Bo the elephant celebrates one-year anniversary retirement after performing at circuses for decades
WRDW: Elephant 'Bo' settling in quickly at new South Georgia home
The Post-Searchlight: Bo the elephant calls Attapulgus sanctuary home
Tallahassee Democrat: 'Born to be free': Georgia elephant refuge welcomes Bo, a retired circus elephant
WFSU Local News: South Georgia Elephant Refuge To Welcome First Resident