Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA)
The next generation of care for elephants in captivity, Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA), will be a sustainable, eco-friendly, natural habitat home where elephants will not merely survive, they will thrive. Internship programs for elephant caregivers, mahouts (trainers in Asia) [Continue Reading]
Mahout Education / CEC Elephant Training Program
EAI provides education for mahouts (elephant trainers) and elephant care facilities in Asia humane methods of handling and training. Decades of living in close contact with elephants means that mahouts have a wealth of knowledge about how to train and [Continue Reading]
Chain Free Means Pain Free
EAI builds solar powered chain-free corrals to contain elephants safely without chains. Thus far, EAI has built multi-acre corrals for 106 captive-held elephants in India, Thailand and Nepal, providing them with physical freedom, autonomy and a healthy social environment. In [Continue Reading]
Elephant Foot Care
Providing pedicures for captive-held elephants and instruction for mahouts (elephant trainers) in proper foot care to support overall health and prevent osteomyelitis (bone disease). Foot care clinics and workshops benefit hundreds of elephants throughout Asia. Proper foot care for captive-held [Continue Reading]
Supporting Mahouts & Their Elephants
An ongoing program to give mahouts (elephant handlers) in Nepal the tools, equipment, supplies and skills they need to do their job. While mahouts once were respected for their work, today they suffer poverty and low social status. By helping [Continue Reading]