EAI needs your skills! From welding to legal consultation, we always have projects for volunteers with special skills.
At Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA), we frequently require engineering, welding, plumbing and electrical expertise to improve and maintain our facilities.
We also need volunteers with professional skills such as:
- architectural design and drawing
- videography and photography
- language translation (Nepali and/or Hindi)
- graphic design
- marketing
- fundraising
- social media
- educational material development
- information technology
- audit services
- legal services
- and so much more!
Many projects can be completed remotely – from anywhere in the world.
You can improve the welfare of elephants in captivity by sharing your knowledge, experience and passions. We may not have a project for you immediately, but we’re sure we’ll have one soon.
Fill out the form below and we will be in touch! Fields marked with a * are required.